The Complete Interview List


1. Tell us how your project(s) were started.

My experimental noise project, Never Presence Forever, has been going on and off (more off than on, really) since 1998. I had grown tired of trying to start a "traditional band" and liked the idea of being able to work on some form of musical expression by myself without needing to depend on anyone else. AVERSIONLINE started in late-1999/early-2000. I had been wanting to do something of that nature for a few years, and after one failed attempt I finally set out to get it done, and have been working at it on various levels ever since.



2. What does music, in its entirety, mean to you?

Hmmm. I'm not really sure how I'd explain that properly. I don't think I'm able to literally put into words what music means to me. Music has always been incredibly important to me, and it's one of the only things in this world that I truly enjoy, so... I don't know. I like all sorts of different music for different reasons. It would take hours to go into all of that. When it comes to music as associated with fashion or other "lifestyle" oriented characteristics, that's where I draw the line. I wouldn't consider music to be a part of my "lifestyle" in any other way than the fact that I enjoy music a great deal and spend a large amount of time dealing with music. The type of music that I listen to does not dictate what I look like or who I am as a person.



3. What does art, in its entirety, mean to you?

At the risk of taking the easy road, the above answer applies here as well. I'm not quite as interested in "fine art" as I am in music, which is also
considered an "art" of sorts, but I do place value on visual aesthetics and I did go to art school, so. I will address the "state of mind" portion of the question here and say that I most definitely have to be in a certain state of mind to create a piece of visual art or a piece of music. At times I can put myself into that frame of mind, but if I'm not in the proper mood, it just won't work.



4. Who is your favorite author, and why?

I don't have a favorite author. I don't read as much as I should because I'm not a fan of fiction and I have a short attention span, so many authors who write nonfiction don't hold my interest very well.



5. As your best friend, describe yourself.

Sarcastic, introverted, brutally honest, and loyal.



6. As your worst enemy, describe yourself.

I've been known to be overly harsh on occasion, even when well-intentioned, and that combined with my generally introverted nature might lead some to get the wrong impression about my personality.



7. If your persona were immortalized as a cartoon character, who would it be?

Snake Eyes, from G.I.Joe.



8. Do you think there are conspiracies against the "everyday person"?

I'm no "conspiracy buff", but there does appear to be a lot of corruption in the world, so I think there probably are. Perhaps not to the extreme degree that many interested in this type of subject matter would suggest, but... at least with regard to corruption and financial gain, there's probably more going on than most of us are aware of.



9. What do you do with your spare or free time?

There's not much of that going around. I work a lot, and tend to enjoy simple "down time" on the weekends. Maybe I don't do as much art/photography or music as I should, but it all comes in phases and works out in the end.



10. Please give us your interpretation of "the meaning of life".

I don't think there is one. I think we're all just trying to get by as best we can.




