The Complete Interview List


1 - Tell us how your project(s) were started.

Our goal was to find and listen to good music and postpone the need for real jobs. Along the way, we started a Web site that became the focal point for others who shared our passion, and launching a record label seemed the only adequate response.



2 - What does music, in it's entirety, mean to you?

Music is a human expression of the divine harmonies in nature. It is a more direct means of expression than words and a route to higher planes.



3 - What does art, in its entirety, mean to you?

Art is our mortal attempt to participate in the continuing act of creation.



4 - Who is your favorite author, and why?

Dan Simmons, because of his facility with multiple genres, his economy with words, his emphasis on character and the mind-expanding nature of his ideas and themes.



5 - As your best friend, describe yourself.

Too cool for words.



6 - As your worst enemy, describe yourself.

Impatient, arrogant and rude.



7 - If your persona were immortalized as a cartoon character, who would it be?




8 - Do you think there are conspiracies against the "everyday person"?

I think that many groups and individuals try to succeed at their own goals, often at the expense of others, and many times at the expense of the general public. But my answer is no, because conspiracies, as they are commonly perceived, are secret plots that control history, whereas I can think of many concealed organizations that have taken advantage of historical trends but none that have trumped them.



9 - What do you do with your spare or free time?

As of late, I've been wasting it. Normally I don't have any free time.



10 - Please give us your interpretation of "the meaning of life".

The goal of my life is to expand my awareness of myself and the world I inhabit, hopefully using that awareness to elevate both.




