The Complete Interview List


1 - Tell us how your project(s) were started.

Me and Jimmy, the guitar player, were in a hard rock band called the pin-ups that started in 2001. I had just moved to Miami from NYC and Jimmy had moved here from Atlanta a little before then. He had joined a band called Human Buffet a little before that that had broken up and he and the singer from that band formed up with me and a drummer, Robert Johnson to form the pin ups. Robert passed away that year on Thanksgiving Day and we were playing acoustic shows for a while. Somewhere in there we met Cynthia, who is our vocalist. She was doing acoustic shows with a guy named Chris who went on to be known as Trash. Anyway we recorded a full length as the pin ups and went through several drummers. We also had a bit part in a B-movie (Each Time I Kill) Anyway, Cynthia and Jimmy ended up beginning a personal relationship and her duo with Chris terminated. Her and Jimmy then contributed a song to another B-movie as well as had bit parts in it together. We all knew Russ, our drummer, because he was rehearsing in the same space as us. He and I ended up filling in as a rhythm section for a band, Avarice. That band broke up; the main songwriter later died (Nov 03). Anyway by that time Jimmy and I were playing in The Hooples for fun, which is an old school punk cover band that we has started with Joey Image.(that project still exists and plays semi-regularly). We were looking for something original to do and we decided to give it a shot with this lineup which is still current. Cynthia is an R and B singer. Russ is a jazz/fusion/funk drummer, and me and Jimmy listen to too much Stooges and Johnny Thunders. Anyway that is how we started and that is what we are I guess.


2 - What does music, in it's entirety, mean to you?

Music always lets me feel. It is a way of communicating with other people. Plus its a lot of fun.


3 - What does art, in it's entirety, mean to you?

I dont know. I think there are limits to normal conversation. Once you come to the edge of verbal discourse the arts are one form of expression. I am not so great at words so or at feelings so art/music gives me a means to deal with and communicate these things.


4 - Who is your favorite author, and why?

Wow. Probably William Burroughs cause he does with words what I try to do with music and we have many similar experiences. I read a lot and I drift between serious literature and fun stuff. I dont watch tv at all so books are a main source of mindless entertainment as well.


5 - As your best friend, describe yourself.

Very loyal to the bitter end. Completely straight forward, honest, dependable, consistent, true to my word.


6 - As your worst enemy, describe yourself.

Vindictive, judgemental, single minded, too straight forward.


7 - If your persona were immortalized as a cartoon character, who would it be?

R. Crumb's guy that like girls with big butts.


8 - Do you think there are conspiracies against the "everyday person"?

I dont know. What is a conspiracy? What's with this line of questioning? What is an everyday person?


9 - What do you do with your spare or free time?

What free time? I work full time, go to schol part time, play in three bands and I dont live at home.


10 - Please give us your interpretation of "the meaning of life".

The meaning of life is to love and to work, meaning to truly love and to be productive in some way, my work is in music. My career is just a means to that end. By work I mean doing whatever your vocation is to the best of your ability, whether that be music, visual arts, a regular job,




The Remnants

The Hooples